Why do I use the term "Nazi"?
The last few days have been so eventful that there was no opportunity to stop and justify the use of this term to characterize many individuals. It is difficult for me to call them people. I will name some of them personally later. For now, I will begin to define the definitions. My readers, as a rule, are not educated in the Soviet way, and therefore I will not explain individual words. And I refer the wandering vatniks to the encyclopedic dictionary, if they understand anything there.
Usually, in order to designate something extremely bad, it has become customary to call a person a fascist, and this is done precisely by Nazi-minded pro-Russian and left-wing subjects. The latter phenomenon is absolutely universal and is characteristic of all countries of the world. For some reason, the leftists have chosen this description for everything unacceptable to them. And they are extremely intolerant of any other point of view, not theirs. And hence, all non-leftists are fascists. It is not even worth talking about Russians and their ilk. These people use this concept so inappropriately that it does not deserve a detailed discussion. Let's look at the concept of fascism. As a formulated ideology, it appeared in Italy in the work of the essential socialist Benito Mussolini after the First World War. There was post-war chaos and a need for minimal order arose. Politicians like Mussolini responded to this need. But they did not go overboard with order. There were even a number of positive results. Such as minimizing crime, not by extremely cannibalistic methods. Fascism cannot be accused of genocide. Communism can be quite easily even in retrospect and even their theoretical justifications - "Utopia" and "City of the Sun" lay the foundation for terror against dissenters. Let's say that it is not very comfortable to live in conditions of excessive order. There must always be an element of unpredictability. So think about it when you make fascism an extremely negative characteristic of a person. This is completely inadequate. Now about Nazism. I define it as an extreme degree of intolerance to everything different. In the version of Russian Nazism, this is first of all also an absolute primitivism of thinking. Left Nazis are more educated with a generally frozen thinking, they disguise their intolerance under verbal husks. Although in the main, the Nazism of the left suddenly breaks through and they are no longer shy in expressions. Russian Nazism has a deep history dating back to the Golden Horde. The Horde expansion fell on the wild Finno-Ugric mentality of tribes inclined to the robber destruction of everything different. This was precisely proto-Nazism, if you can’t enslave - kill. For further advancement to the east, the Horde simply used this wild property and in certain cases, giving these proto-Nazis carte blanche. So, for the sake of the interests of the Horde, the Horde-licensed proto-Nazi Prince Alexander (it is not clear why Nevsky) plundered the Novgorod and Pskov lands that had nothing to do with the Moscow ulus of the Golden Horde. Then the proto-Nazi Ivan the 4th completed what he started by exterminating the population of these lands. Not such - to kill. Then there was Kazan and these proto-Nazis were called "Kasaps - butchers". There are many examples of the deep roots of Russian Nazism and this is not for a short reference. But the meaning of the definition of Nazism for a thinking person is clear - extreme and absolute intolerance to everything different. You can not capture and enslave, but destroy and kill. This is exactly what Russian Nazis are doing now in Ukraine. And accordingly, this characteristic applies to subjects who completely share this attitude to the other. And support Nazism on the network. Therefore, if Russian Nazis want to make claims against me, then I monitor them and save screenshots. And I urge you to help me with this. A collection of hateful posts by Russian Nazis in Israel should be posted regularly. As well as in other countries. Left Nazis are no less dangerous, especially during elections. But that is still a separate topic.