There was no WWII!
There was no "WWII Great Patriotic War" but a continuation of the expansion of the reincarnation of a fragment of the Horde with dirty water that had forgotten its place at the world latrine. Moksha and others were generally cannibals of incredible cruelty, which was used by the governors from the Horde that broke away from the latter. And this cannibal mentality stretches through the centuries to modern history.
Nothing has changed since 1917. Bolshevism was only a reincarnation of the entire previous history of this bloodthirsty ... I don't know what to call it more accurately. But this is definitely not a people or a nation, not a community. In its past, genocide of peoples was always the norm from the devastation of the Novgorod and Pskov republics. The mentality of Moksha is contagious like the plague and its main symptom is complete contempt for the value of human life, even declaratively. And the worst thing is that ordinary Muscovites are ready to easily take it away with incredible sadistic cruelty. Ivan 4 is simply a concentration of bloodthirsty Moksha, there have always been performers who skinned anyone alive. It is not for nothing that they were called Katsaps - animal abusers.
There are many examples of this. Baturin, the Caucasus and countless others. Even short attempts (Pavel 1, Alexander 2) to turn away from this bloody path ended in their murder. And in 1917, there was not a revolution, but a change of elites and the new ones were more terrible than the previous ones in their bloodthirstiness and senseless sadism. Yes, the Bolsheviks are the heirs of Nechayev, who wrote that you can kill millions for the happiness of billions!
The above is a separate and extensive topic. Therefore, I will return to the Great Patriotic War. It was a continuation of the entire history of this destructive and sadistic formation and due to the readiness of its population to simply kill Others. And shut up, please, with the "Great Victory" and the "Great Russian People". You must understand that these individuals must be surrounded by a moat with Crocodiles and another with Acid. And never save them again! They will not spare you! And your children! Harsh? Yes! But necessary!